Gaurav Pal,

Mr. Jawed Habib, Chairman, Jawed Habib Hair & Beauty Ltd.

Interviewed By: Sandeep Kshatriya, Facilitator, The CEO Insights


Gaurav Pal,

The CEO Insights: It’s truly a pleasure to interview you. As a renowned hairstylist in the industry, what was your inspiration to become involved in the beauty business?

Jawed Habib: I am the third generation, my grandfather Nazir Ahmed, my father Habib Ahmed were all hair dressers; so I am from a hair dressing family. So for the past 100 years we have been cutting hair. I was only doing my work. I took hair dressing as science. This has really helped me to convert this profession into a business and of course with true hard work.

The CEO Insights: Can you tell our readers what’s the most rewarding part of your career?

Jawed Habib: The rewarding part of the career is the respect this profession is getting. I remember when I started it used to be called nai ka kaam and it was only a family driven profession. It means if my father is a hair dresser I must be a hair dresser too. But today a new breed of people is entering this profession.

The CEO Insights: What do you love most about being a stylist?

Jawed Habib: The glamour part of it which was missing in it. You are like a star of your own field.

The CEO Insights: Can you talk about Jawed Habib Academy contribution to help students succeed in profession of cosmetology?

Jawed Habib: The hair academy was started by my dad in 1985 in delhi with only a few students and i realized if you really have to train people you have to go to their town / cities so that they don’t have to travel. At that time this profession was meant for only house wives. And for them leaving their family their kids, house, town was not easy. So I thought of starting an academy in smaller towns and that has really helped this hair dressing profession came up.

The CEO Insights: How do you stay up on trends & which one do you love right now?

Jawed Habib: The trend is you, your personality. If something is happening in London may not work in Saharanpur. So styling is very personal so my R&D is my clientele their feedback. And on that basis we create.

The CEO Insights: What thought process do you go through when styling someone for a red carpet event?
Jawed Habib: Being a professional you just can’t preplan I think once you touch a client’s hair you start talking to the hair. And that time the right style comes out. So it is an art which can’t be described.

The CEO Insights: What Products do you recommend?

Jawed Habib: I only recommend one product a normal shampoo to be used everyday without fail. If you are looking for your hair to go a 100 years please follow.

The CEO Insights: How does it feel being awarded as “Salon of the year” Indian Salon Awards 2013?

Jawed Habib: Salon of the year is a tribute and respect to the brand of their hard work and dedication and service to the hair industry.

The CEO Insights: How do you feel being recognized for the Limca book of records?

Jawed Habib: Limca book of records just happened. I never thought of making a record. I was just doing it for fun and it is a record now.

The CEO Insights: How do you see the difference in consumer spend on grooming & beauty in India & overseas market?

Jawed Habib: Consumer spend in India is small compared to overseas as we are still learning about fashion and overseas they are already developed fashion.

The CEO Insights: How do you ensure quality services being serving across your various franchisees in different cities?

Jawed Habib: The franchising system is the fastest way to grow but very difficult to control as not many people understand the meaning of franchise in India. Somehow we have to work. The success of hair industry franchise is if you can control the upgrade of technical people. So every dresser comes from our institute or our technical bench as not just technical people, they are carrying the Jawed Habib culture of a 100 years.

The CEO Insights: Tell us about your strategic alliances or other measures to augment your market reach & business capabilities?

Jawed Habib: We do lots of strategic alliances as cross promotion in all the fields.

The CEO Insights: If you had any advice to someone just graduating college or thinking about switching careers, what would it be?

Jawed Habib: Hair dressing is the profession of this industry. Trust me and join it.

The CEO Insights: If someone wanted to get in touch with you and ask you more about what it takes to get involved in your career, what would be the best way?

Jawed Habib: Commitment, vision and romance with the profession.

The CEO Insights: Your views on future expansions?

Jawed Habib: The future expansion has to be all over by putting different brands in the market. And these brands should be specialized brands, like we are launching hair yoga soon. It is only a head massage salon. And for all these expansions you need money, it can be IPO, debt, or loan from bank.

The CEO Insights: What are your favorite travel destinations?

Jawed Habib: I love London. It is London city that has changed me and has made me professional. It is London where I realized that hair dressing can be McDonalds.

The CEO Insights: What are your hobbies and interests?

Jawed Habib: It’s only hair; Hair cutting, teaching or hair business.

The CEO Insights: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?

Jawed Habib: In my salon, any part of the world.

The CEO Insights: Who inspires you?

Jawed Habib: Only my dad. Very active, positive, and loves nature.

The CEO Insights: Is there anything you would like to add?

Jawed Habib: Please learn how to romance with life.

Mr. Jawed Habib, India’s leading hair stylist, Chairman Jawed Habib Hair & Beauty Ltd. Powered by 50 years of rich experience in crafting trend setting hairstyles, internationally renowned celebrity hair stylist Jawed Habib is synonymous with brilliant hair styling and beauty care in India and abroad. JH Bevels, together with the pre-existing chains of Jawed Habib Hair and Beauty Salon, JH Hairxpreso Global Salon, JH HairXpreso Salon and Jawed Habib Academy, completes his offerings in complete hair care solutions.Visit Jawed Habib Hair & Beauty Ltd. website for more information:


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